Mainstream Geological thinking, which uses the Evolutionist paradigm for its interpretation of field data, considers the rocks of the Glen Rose Formation[7], upon which the tracks are found, to be of the Lower (i.e., Early) Cretaceous Period dating back to 115-105 million years ago, a period during which dinosaurs are thought to have lived, but not humans, who are thought to have evolved into their anatomically modern form only a mere 300,000 years ago[9], during the Pleistocene Epoch, a subdivision of the Quaternary Period (Fig.4). Therefore, the existence of human footprints in the Glen Rose Formation is considered impossible, and thus the markings looking human must either be markings not formed by animals, or prints made by non-human creatures, or outright fakes.
Finally, one’s paradigm is based on one’s spiritual, moral, and philosophical outlook. Thus, ultimately, how one sees and interprets the world depends upon what one chooses to believe or not, which then renders the disagreement between the Evolutionist and Young Earth outlooks on Physical Science as a religious conflict at its core.
Multiple spiral CT scans have been performed on the Delk print to verify its authenticity, and over 800 X-ray images document density changes within the rock that correspond precisely with fossil footprints. Spiral CT scan technology provides an effective means of analyzing fossil footprints without physically destroying them. The CT scan allows visualization of the inside of the rock, specifically, under the footprint. These spiral CT scans prove that the Delk Print is a genuine fossil human footprint.
The amazing thing about this print is that it not only contains a human footprint, but also a dinosaur footprint. The dinosaur actually stepped into the human footprint. The human had stepped in the mud and the foot impression was made first. Then, while the mud was still soft and fresh, a dinosaur came along and stepped in the mud with its middle toe intruding on and into the human track. In the Delk print, you can actually see the displaced mud from the dinosaur’s middle toe inside the human footprint.
A clear understanding of how the prints formed and became altered has as of yet evaded this researcher, and it remains a grand mystery. But the story isn’t over. A recent re-evaluation of a classic dinosaur print site in Australia presents evidence and an interpretation remarkably similar to that required by the Paluxy River data.7,8
'We were freaking out': Scientists left 'flabbergasted' by detailed dinosaur footprints covering a cliff in Alaska
"Flabbergasted" researchers have discovered that the face of a 20-story cliff in Alaska is covered in the fossilized footprints of dozens of dinosaurs, giving the impression that the creatures defied gravity to walk across its surface, though a geological process is actually to blame.
One of the great evolutionist hoaxes—the famous Piltdown hoax, in which a faked skull was passed off as the missing link in man’s evolution from the apes—was described by Harvard biologist Stephen Jay Gould as “the imposition of strong hope upon dubious evidence.” That, in the end, appears also to be a good description of what the creationists are doing in the Paluxy River basin.
Within a young-earth Flood scenario, such an unusual distribution is easy to explain. It is possible that larger dinosaurs like the sauropods did not have the opportunity to find temporary refuge from the floodwaters ‘on board’ floating mats. From a paleoenvironmental point of view, the dinosaur fossil record is mostly located within 200 km of the sea.20 Some isolated specimens were found in marine deposits (Alabama, Kansas, Montana, New Jersey, Alberta, Saskatchewan, England and France) or in hypersaline lagoons (France, Spain and Germany).20 Sometimes, dinosaurs are associated with marine fossils, suggesting nearby shorelines (Mexico, Tanzania and Texas). Even dinosaur fossils found at sites interpreted to be far away from the sea, like the Late Cretaceous ones in Mongolia, are believed to have been buried in sand dunes saturated in rain water.21 All this suggests that the vicinity of the sea, rather than their normal habitat, was where most dinosaurs were buried (with or without transport involved). This is consistent with a global catastrophic Flood scenario. As for the specimens found in marine deposits, while difficult to explain from an evolutionary, global-catastrophe-free scenario, they are perfectly consistent with the biblical Flood!
Although undoubtedly tempting, the finding of indisputable human footprints synchronous with dinosaur tracks remains an elusive quest.
As we shall see, however, these alleged footprints are either natural objects that have nothing to do with humans or are deliberate frauds.